
Hi-Resolution Storage Scope

HS-101 Hi-Res Storage Scope

View of the Storage Scope

Basic Operation

The storage scope takes a single input signal and when triggered, records that signal for a fixed period of time. Once storage is complete, the stored signal can be viewed on the display.

The scope can store up to 64 seconds of data, even at 768KHz.


The scope can be triggered either by a gate or trigger pulse to the TRIGGER input, or by manually pressing the STORE button. Once triggered, a 1 ms 10V pulse is sent through the TRIGGER output, allowing multiple HS-101 devices to be synchronised, even when manually triggered.


The LENGTH knob will adjust the storage time resolution of the scope. The length of the storage buffer can be adjusted from 1 thousandth of a second up to 64 seconds.


The X and Y ZOOM and PAN controls allow you to choose which part of the signal you wish to view. While viewing, a tooltip on the cursor will give details of the part of the image that you are examining.

When zoomed out, where several samples are under the cursor, the signal voltage may be indicated by a minimum and maximum range rather than a single value.